We didn't have the large turn-out of the class of '53 this year that we had last year as many people decided to attend the 50th reunion in April instead, but the Class of '51 which hosted this year's event made up for our lack of numbers. Some people who had planned to attend stayed home because the weather decided to refute the song "It Never Rains In California" by staging a first class rain storm. I had never driven in such a downpour, and I was very happy to get home safe, though soggy.
Crowne Plaza Hotel, Garden Grove
Most of the pictures were taken by Donna Butler. If you see a too-dark picture or people with half of their heads gone, that's my specialty. (I prefer to think of my photographic approach as "artistic".)
Connie Stafford Van Horn
Donna gets Shirley McFarland Tardy and me as we arrive damp but undaunted.
Roger Butler, Donna Butler, Jimmy Collins
Gene Jones Matthews is signing a get-well card for Gene Rosen.
Danny Doss and Roger Butler
Don Kraemer, Mary Ann Bauerlein Kraemer and Danny Doss
Gene Jones Matthews and Donna Butler
Gene and Roger
Here come the topless pictures.
You have to admit that this is a beautiful, artistic shot.
Shirley McFarland Tardie
Sorry, Ed
Sorry, guys
Here's the "Connie must be drinking again" shot.
Duane Boyd and Wayne Collins (Cheryl's litte brother)
Joy King
Norma Turman and Marlene Rogers
Wayne and Pat Candee Butler
Jake and Sue Burns Boyd
Birdie Wolfe Rice
Theo Dwinell
Rosie Bagby Houghton and Ed Houghton
Pat Amend Barker and husband
LaVonne Foss Putman, Earlene Skelton Boyd, Pat Vierra Mitchell and Connie
Tracy Mitchell Krause (Pat's daughter), Ted and Pat
Jimmy Collins, Jack Woods, Roger
Betsy and Ted Sullivan
Roger, Pat Vierra Mitchell, LaVonne Foss Putman, Betsy and Ted
Connie, Pat, Earlene
Norma Turman and Pat
You can down-load any picture by RIGHT-clicking the picture and saving it to your system.
LaVonne, Roger, Earlene, Shirley McFarland Tardie and Connie
Norma and Roger
If you can help me with names or have pictures to send me to add to this page, e-mail me at CVANHORN@pacbell.net
I am looking for information on Ken Uyemori who was at this Pow Wow. When I saw him talking to Don Kraemer and Jake Boyd, I didn't realize he graduated in '53, and I failed to get his address, phone number or e-mail address for our database. I don't know if he was contacted about the 50th reunion. The Pow Wow committee has no info on him.
Paula Warren Seastedt (went to FUHS her freshman year, but graduated from Sunny Hills), JoAnne Warren '55, (Vance's little sisters) and Claudia White Carlson '55
Paula, Bud and Sis Swenson (both '56), Vance Warren '53 and Claudia '55
Picture taken by Vance's sister JoAnne
March 15, 2003
Shirley McFarland Tardie and Betty Askey Boyd "51
(If you have photos to share, please contact me at CVanHorn@pacbell.net or Earl Gibson at egwwok@att.net)